Posts Categorized: Change

Communication – the first essential in change management

September 3 2024

There are several key elements that leaders implementing change programs should use to support a successful change, and to support their people through the process. Changefirst’s Audra Proctor says that the four elements are Communication, Involvement, Learning, and Recognition, and in this brief article we pick up on what she says about the first – Communication. It’s essential that leaders prioritise and use frequent communication right throughout a change program. This communication should be performance-focused (eg. “how is this going… Read more »

Leading through 2021 – more pivoting!

January 27 2021

What, more pivoting?? Some colleagues felt ‘pivot’ was one of our over-used words in 2020. In fact, one named it their least favourite 2020 word (mine was ‘seeding’, awfully overdone by politicians in particular). But if 2020 was indeed the year to pivot, what is 2021 to be? Of course for a start, it depends on the circumstances for any person, business, organisation or nation. Consider: The volatility of operating environments. The susceptibility of changes to funding or income streams…. Read more »

What’s the strategy as COVID-19 changes things forever?

April 24 2020

How should we shift our thinking right now to position for the lasting impact of COVID-19 on how we live and work? 4-5 weeks into the massive time-out forced on the whole world, we already have the opportunity for insight into this. FastCompany asked leading executives, venture capitalists, and analysts for thoughts on the change they expect to see ahead. AGILITY and ADAPTABILITY are going to be key, for us personally, and for business and workplaces. If you’re not already,… Read more »